Friday, 16 April 2010

Where I am at

I slept fully clothed last night, with my duvet only half over me because it has clothes on top of it if I move. This morning I woke surrounded by clothes.
I haven't unpacked since Saturday I can't move anywhere but my bed without trampling on shit. I don't have any clean clothes which I don't care about that much but it just seems to compound my situation.

LOST has ruined my life. I found out on Tuesday that I had to do an essay for Thursday. I wrote 500 words then gave up and watched most of Season 4 then on Thursday I found out I had ANOTHER essay in for THAT day, needless to say I just rolled over and finished the season, now I am downloading Season 5.

The sun has shined so bright and it's been beautiful but I haven't achieved anything and it feels like my life is falling apart, out of my loose grasp. I haven't eaten in over 18 hours out of pure laziness.
I want to get back on track but it seems relentless.

I am going to finish one essay and then have a shower and meet Howard, blah, blah, blah. One objective at a time.

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